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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yesterday we had Chemistry Assignment and Maths CCT, which were way better than alright. I hope this time when I get back maths, my reaction would be "yeah!" rather than "damm careless again..". Lol, most of the time its the latter. However, todays Physics CCT was way worst than alright, which I tink was felt by the majority of the class. I guess once the foundation is weak, its very difficult to catch up. And then tomorrow theres 2.4km run, at least I tink its tomorrow. Its not entirely bad, except that recently the weathers been absolutely unbearable. Come to tink of it, NAPFAs been held at this time every year, and I dont know why but I only tink of it this year. Anyway, we are running early in the morning, so hopefully, the sun wont be fully up yet.

Todays Lit lesson was quite fun. My group was up presenting and it was rather impromptu, so I made quite a few laughable errors. But the best was yet to come. Bargraph, having proven himself by playing the major role of Macbeth, made quite comical "human sculptures". I forgot the term for it. Then everyone started snapping pictures of him. LOL, it was permitted btw. I bet the photos are going to pop up somewhere on someone's blog.

Today I received news from YMCA that my RE group was shortlisted for the interview phase for our funding application. I was quite happy since a PART of my group had put in effort in coming up with the proposal. In the very least, it gave us some reassurance that our project was solid. Sadly, the interview's at 10 in the morning, and since its at YMCA (I suppose its nowhere near my house), I will have to forgo my long awaited sleep. Well, hope everything works out. Otherwise, we will have to come up with an alternative plan for our project, which means what we have done so far would be quite wasted.

Ironmans coming out tomorrow! Its quite cool when you see it in the advertisement. I tink ive got a thing for futuristic things like robots, the dominant characters in Transformers. I wanna watch! Lol.

"It is very confusing, but you must not be confused." Random.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 9:24 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hmm today wasnt so bad cause after all it was the last day of the week. After dismissal, we went to RJ for lunch and proceeded to the watch the various inter-house activities. I ponned swimming carnival. Anyway, the teacher was in the know of it. I went to watch floorball instead cause firstly, its much more exciting and secondly, Vincent was playin and I wanted to see how he fared. However, it got boring halfway through the matches and we went outside to play our own version of floorball. Anyway, Bayley got last in the end for floorball cause our team was rather hot-tempered, or put in Zaki's words "cannot behave". It got quite rowdy at some point in the game and there was some heavy body contact. For the other events, Bayley won first in c div table-tennis and b div tennis, if im not wrong. Ravins was quite ownage for basketball but I dont tink we won cause of the other houses' China scholars.

During lunch, I got to know some GPAs of my old classmates. Expectedly, there were all higher than mine and I felt quite left out. The grades dropped across the level, but mine plunged the most. Its still quite hard to accept until now. This all sounds so competitive and "nerd talk", but I guess its just our schools nature.

Anyway, today the youth facilitators at the RCIY announced that the getaway camp would be held from 18-19 May, just as I had foretold. I really wanted and still want to go, but theres the dreadful minor operation that I have to go on 15 May. I had always feared this since they announced that there would be a weekend getaway at some later date, and my fears came through. Now, I hope to postpone the operation to a later date. Im not sure why but I really feel like attending this camp. Its bizzare.

Yeah, just now I had my first taste of really owning in a game of dota. And Mr-dota-pro-who-calls-me-feeder was there to witness it! Ahaha, one game doesnt mean much but there will be more to come.

Next weeks hell, or "Baptism of Fire" to put it in ACs words. Im not very sure what that means but anyway, I need some motivation to study. Hope I find some fast. Lol.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 12:09 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today I shant talk about lessons. Its always mundane and humdrum. I tink my classroom attitude is getting from bad to worst. Anyway, after RE today which was slack as usual (I have absolutely no idea why they allocated an extra period to RE), we had a revival of the 2F bottlecap soccer! Lol, I couldnt stop laughing at the way we played. It brings back one year old memories. In between the time of school dismissal and Shakespeare 24, I played table tennis with Vincent. I dont know why he's so enthusiastic about it but what the heck. No harm done playing. Then i was roaming around the school for what I didnt know, and before dinner, it started pouring. Anyway, we still made to the theatre in time.
The event was called Shakespeare 24, comprising 3 different plays by RI, HCI and RJC respectively. It was supposedly to celebrate his 444 birthday.

Play 1 [Macbeth by RI]: Despite being pretty good and performed by the RA Lit guys, RI still got owned by the other two plays in terms of audience's receptiveness. The mood was like all solemn and serious. We recognised a few people (which was the point of watching the plays), like Bargraph and John Choo. It was rather interesting to see them perform. Then there was the one and only girl from RJ playing the role of Lady Macbeth. She even did the Lady Macbeth soliloquy, namely the one which begins with "Come you evil spirits, unsex me here..." It was very... powerful.

Play 2 [Twelfth Night] :This was the one I liked most cause it was very appealing to people of our age. Why? It was very sexually-humoured. Well, at least most of it. There was once when some character said "I shall ride to [somwhere I cant remember], as I ride you". LOL.

Play 3 [Midsummer Night's Dream] : Another Shakespearen comedy. It was supposedly adopted into some modern context. Hmm, the only thing I can say was that Titus and the former gymnastics captain drew the most attention, Titus for his superb drama skills while the latter likewise although slightly different.

I dont know anything about the 2nd and 3rb play at all, so I cant say much.

Now comes the emo part of the post. Seeing Titus, I cant help but feel envious of him. He's like the perfect prefect all-rounder, awesome physical attributes, good in academics, a professional judocast and a wonderful actor. Hes like miles away from me. Well, this is after all the top premier school in sg, so i guess it aint that bad. Still it sucks.

Here's a pic of the postcard which i bought (coincidentally the first pic on my blog):

Personally, I thought that this was quite well done, but the posters outside were much nicer. Sadly, I didnt get to take them since the break wasnt exactly long and besides, there were people walking up and down.

I bought 2 postcards for $0.50 each and donated an additional $0.50 to the Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund, thanks to Sup. Well, its late already and Im beat.

We are but players on stage.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 11:32 PM

Monday, April 21, 2008

I did something really bad. That was on Friday. Todays Monday. Its been quite a while.

I swore not to swear again on Friday (not that the bad thing was swearing cause that wouldnt be considered bad at all). However, I realised that it was quite hard to kick the habit. For the first day of the week in school, "they" came almost naturally out of my mouth at least 5 or 6 times. Lol, I always thought that I would be able to control it whenever I wanted but that proved wrong. I made other oaths too, like not being racist or stereotypical. Lol, Im gonna keep them.

Today, I went crazy during PE. Lol, I was jumping up and down like a lunatic on the loose and spouting nonsense. I even imitated accents (contradictory to above) which was quite bad in a way. The China scholars were just awesome. Lol, they are as good as me (which means they suck) at soccer. Then Bear's chair broke during Chinese lesson which stirred up quite a commotion. Lol, Samuel said Tong granny patted his head. We got to know of Ernest Shackleton and his miraculous tale from a documentary on him. At least Mr Law didnt make 'humourous' blunders (either accidentally or deliberately).

Today Joyous Nigel commented that "You look like you are bored of life" or something like that. Do I? I tink I do. Lol, Im not sure since when I have become rather quiet. Previously, my class was full of jokers and cocksters, like Kenneth Lim Duan Le. Hes always disturbing people, either ridiculing them or ermm 'touching' them. Lol, during that time, I was also a "target" and wished for peace and quiet. Now I have peace almost everyday, its getting boring. LOL, weird.

Tomorrows prize giving ceremony which I have to attend (not that I am a receiver but a mere spectator). Our class has a sole winner, namely the Bargraph (no offense intened), who won half colours. Congrats. Hope the ceremony doesnt lag (although it almost certainly will).

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 10:04 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Today was a mixed up day. I came to know of my unthinkable 3.08 GPA, a far cry from my previous 3.71. It was utterly disappointing to have dropped so much overnight. PE lesson couldnt be better as my shuttle run deproved drastically and my standing broad jump remained the same. I missed the bloody wooden block. Maybe it was a chain reaction, I thought. Since my day had been spolied so early in the morning, what else could possibly go right? But i received two little praises from two teachers, which was as bizzare as Adrian Chan and as perturbing as Chee Ken. I know its lame. Anyway, I spent the rest of the academic periods simply drawing on wkshts and keeping quiet (not like I talked a lot in the first place or was i adept at it).

I was glad we had been selected to support the squash b div team. It let me focus my mind on the game rather than anything negative. RI made a huge comeback, coming down from 0-2 to win narrowly by 3-2. Jun Wei played the deciding match. Although I didnt know him personally, he was damm pro to me cause he pawned an opponent twice his size with substantial standard. There was an ACSI player that was damm angsty too, and I lost a bet cause he threw his racket down several times. The bus ride home was full of suan-nage, ranging from weight to hair to pimples.

Everyday is a new day. Look foward to it.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 8:45 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yesterdays chemistry test was relatively easy compared to the previous ones. Im feeling quite confident lol. Anyway, today RI annonuced some rather disappointing results. The b div rugby lost to Saints. It was a pity since if they had won, it would have been a milestone in the rugby history cause they havent won since 20 years i tink. B div softball also lost the semis, against who I forgot. C div table-tennis brought better news, winning overall 3rd place after beating Hwa Chong. The reason why i said better was cause they had to lose the semis before they could get to the 3rd and 4th placing match. Lol, im evil. Last year we (the sec 3 batch) won 1st, which is lucky for mi since that would probably be the only time i get some recognition, even if i was a bloody reserve. Lol, sour grapes.

Today, during Lit lesson, Adrian Chan just randomly excused me from homework that was due in T2Wk9 & 10, thus arousing some unnecessary attention. Im not really being excused but rather given a protracted deadline. The reason for this is cause of the op which I mentioned earlier. Its really quite minor (I tink) and is like out-patient treatment. Nevertheless, my teacher has been quite caring and concerned about me (although he made it sound overly major), and i appreciate that.

While on my way home, I saw this teenage couple quarrelling with each other. The guy was taller than the girl and he was doing the pai kias "You want to fight ar?" stance. H wasnt really towering but just slightly taller. The girl was quite expressionless lol. A lot of people stopped to see look see look, or commonly called K-po. I, for one and of course, didnt. Lol, i feel its quite rude. Besides, its their personal matter and I dont want to get scolded or whatever.

Tomorrows gonna be a slack day lol. Besides having a free period cause the majority of my class doesnt take Geog, my class is also selected to support the schools b div squash finals against ACSI and we are allowed to leave class at 12.30 i tink. This terms really messy cause there are competitions like every other day. SS CCT on thurs, this I must mug now.

"Every birth must therefore engender a death, and every death bring forth another birth". I read this somewhere. COol eh? LOL

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 8:03 PM

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The past weekend has been quite screwed. I didnt do anything productive except parading the ORA shirt and attending the usual classes. Hmm the coming week is a CCT week but i will get one less paper cause obviously dropped that subject. Now im going to study for chemistry, which is tomorrow. And worst, im sick (currently its physically). Lol, im lame. My noses been running for the entire day like some waterhose out of control. The effects of TCM are really protracted but its supposedly kills the root or zhan4 cao3 chu2 gen1.

My parents are really on about karoke singing now. They signed up at the CC some time ago, but only recently bought a portable DVD player (looks more like a radio to me). So tonight, I got to hear them sing first-hand as they enthusiastically put it to good use. Naturally, it feels weird to hear them sing the first time, but i tink i will get used to it. Well, tonights going to be filled with their melodious karoke voices, the first of many to come I would say. Thats it. I need to mug now.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 8:46 PM

Friday, April 11, 2008

This week has been rather uneventful, so i shall talk about today's International Friendship Day celebrations. Overall, it was qutie interesting, especially the segment where the Indians did the Bollywood dance. The Chinese were quite funny, as in not the content but the way they talked. Lol, dont get me wrong, im not trying to be "nationalist" or "racist". Anyway, probably the whole school was laughing, so it really doesnt matter. The vietnamese just sang their songs which of course 99% of the school didnt understand a thing. Then it was the interesting Indians' turn. They put up a rather spectacular show, with different moves danced to different Indian songs. Although we still didnt understand anything, theirs had more tune than the vietnamese's. Finally, there was a skit-cum-parody-cum-comedy on Malaysia, which was quite ingeniously humourous la.

Tomorrow is ORA day and I have been kindly selected as a representative of the class to take part in the walk-a-jogathon. After that, I guess I will just stick around for a while and witness the awesome dunking of the discipline master. Im not sure why but bamboo stick and chinaman seem quite excited about it. Im hoping to find out something. Lol, kpo.

Today R.C.I.Y was not bad la. It seems like the number of attendees are increasing gradually, even a primary 5 girl came. But it seems that theres no hope for mi in my religion so i will just treat it as a social gathering. Lol. Hope tomorrow will be eventful, otherwise my trip to school would be not worthwhile. Tata.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 10:12 PM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This is gonna be really short. I just glanced through the mark list for my class' EL marks and I realised that it aint that good as compared to the rest of the class. Its a 3.2, 68%, and its somwhere in the middle of the class. Its either my current class ability is higher or I have begun to slacken (if thats such a word). Its quite bad personally, having screwed up physics and now this. Although its not as bad as physics, its still not what i wanted. My overalls gonna drop like hell. I really need to buck up. Go go go! Lol.

Class is getting really screwed up. Today paper was just strewn all over the place, thanks to someone who started sticking paper written with nonsensical messages like "Kick me!" on the back of peoples shirts. LOL, childish but nevertheless never fails to spice up the atmosphere.

My blogs lightening up. Lol, its only cause i just did the "link me" tags a day ago. Lets see if it enters a state of decline again..

Keep it alive! (Both my study spirit and my blog..)

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 11:28 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I just spent the past half and hour doing the "link me" tags. LOL. Let's see what results that reaps..

In addition to my earlier post, here's today's encounter with Indian Chief Ko Ming Chan at the canteen during recess..

Mingchan to others: Eh walao, why you all sit with this pimple face bastard?

...... After a while ......

Mingchan: You see, Im the only guy frm Chongfu whos still nice to you. The rest all dao you alreadi la.

Me: Ya lor, why everyone dao me ar?

Mingchan: How i know? They say you always dao them and pang seh them.

Me: Really?

Mingchan: No la. Is cause your face look damm guai lan.

Lol, as you know, mingchan's words cant be taken too seriously. But then again, it still makes me wonder..

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 10:25 PM

Not a very good day but..

Today we got back our Progress Report 1 Grade Point for Physics and I had a really rude shock (even though i could have easily calculated and expected it). I barely scraped a pass! Lol, it was like 50% on the line, Grade Point of 2.0. Even though i passed, i never really expected to get his low since all the while my lowest mark for any subject was 65%+ or 3.2. As mentioned in the earlier post, carelessness was the main devil during tests, and since this was physics, there was a lot of calculation and graphwork involved. On the other hand, this poor performance (seen across the class) could be partially attributed to our previous physics teacher, a former Hwa Chong Physics Olympiad (can infer his ability). Although he had the aptitude, he had absolutely zero teaching ability. He cant look people directly in the eye, gulps down his saliva after every sentence, and has a bad habit of playing with his marker cap. However, the class smarty pants still scored a perfect 100%, which serves to show that it ultimately boils down to our own effort. I certainly didnt put much effort, and as i have said, carelessness is incorrectable (personal opinion not fact). But then again, this PR1 is only based on two minor tests for the entire year, so its not very accurate for judging, as said by the teacher.

Updates on inter-class soccer. Our conquest to become Raffles League champions abruptly came to an end today when we got a 5-0 thrashing from one of the class powerhouses. *Once, their keeper dribbled all the way into our half of the park before losing possession, but we still couldnt score*. Well, it was kinda already over a long time ago, but my class, being evermore optimistic, still tried to play their best. We are looking forward to next year's soccer league when we get a final shot at the title before we leave for RJ (a sign of optimism once more).

Despites these so-called "poor performances", I am surprising quite unaffected. Lol, dunno why. O yeah, today's lab lesson was rather funny but i shant say why cause its slightly sexually offensive. Wonder how it feels like wearing skinny pants. Lol, I just got my first. Slow right? Who cares..

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 7:32 PM

Monday, April 7, 2008

Let's recap what recently happened. The match with 3A was a disaster, as in we were damm unlucky. Everything was solid and then suddenly we conceeded a last minute goal. Awww, but I would call it a stroke of luck for them, so on our part we did our best. Then there was flag day, which i enthusiastically participated in. But soon after I realised that everyone was just slacking, and when I wanted to "sign out", the counter staff warned me against signing out before the end of my shift and instead gave me a new set of stickers. Well, that didnt feel good, so I just skived for the remaining hour at Macs with the other slackers. Lol. Coming up this Saturdy is ORA walk-a-jogathon, which means i have to run 1.6k. RJ and RG will be coming too, so... Anyway, after that my class is probably going lan-ning. If so, i would probably go too.

I have been thinking about a human tendency called carelessness. Lol, it's the main cause of worry and distress during tests and assignments. Somehow, almost everyone is affected to a certain extent by it, and the consequences vary greatly. For me, it's pissing, especially for maths. Im sure loads of people share similar sentiments too. LOL. Personally, I have almost given up on correcting this "flaw" cause it seems incorrectable in the first place. Seems.. I havent tried very hard yet..

As you can see, my blog's falling back into a state of remoteness and desolateness. Lol, Im considering publicising it, like doing the "link me" tags all over but would that mean Im despo? I dunno... I think Im too self-conscious. Seriously, I think too much just over 1 action. Its vexing. Dammit.

Well, Im beat. I will continue considering (sounds unnecessary rite?). Maybe I will just start publicising slowly. I dunno. Gagh..

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 10:53 PM

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Since I joined my current class, I have begun to discover more and more about them. My class is a lively bunch, everyday cooking up new jokes and wrecking havoc all over the classroom. Despite our outgoing nature, we seem rather bonded at times and when it is the time to get serious, we get really focused. Take for example inter-class soccer. From our attitude towards the game, it is obvious that we all take it extrememly seriously and are determined to perform our best. This is one of the rare occasions in which there is a distinct mark of comradeship and leadership, especially from our captain. I respect them. Not only that, through my interactions with the class, I have come to realise that the class is not entirely as what it seems. The famed 'slacker' in our class does actually put in effort in his work, the seemingly big and muscular dudes do acutally have a soft and sensitive side, and the group of very good friends are in fact warm and welcoming to new people.

The above paragraph sounds really weird and bewildering (Im also not sure how I came up with it). Anyway, today we lost to 3A in our inter-class soccer match. It was a last minute goal as usual. I wonder why we are so unlucky. But the main thing was the encouragement for the team and individually for me, which I truly appreciated. It was quite a display of their bondedness and determination to win.

Just now, in the evening, I went for the second R.C.I.Y lesson. Im not sure why but I have the urge to blog about R.C.I.Y lessons. Surprisingly, today wasnt as great as the previous lesson, maybe because i expected too much. Somehow, Im starting to have the feeling that this R.C.I.Y thingy aint gonna be of much help, after talking to my 22-year-old chiobu group facilitator. Probably cause she said that it is up to our own interpretation, which to me doesnt mean anything.

Recently, I have been rather moody. Like sometimes will feel so fulifilled and contented then after that become down and angsty. Most often, I will feel contented like when Im around friends in school, getting suaned and even "bullied", and angsty when i reach home cause its just quiet and lonely. When random girls' names start getting shouted all over the class, for example, it sets me thinking whether these people's private lives are really so fulfilling, with friends just constantly buzzing in their ears. This might be jealously to a certain extent, i admit, but it is simply one which arises from my own insecurity.

Its a long and difficult process, but Im still trying to get to know my class better. Right now, Im just feeling a bit unsatisfied cause R.C.I.Y didnt go as i expected.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 12:12 AM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hmm nth much to blog about. Anyway, as you know, today is april fools day. My class tried playing a trick on our relief maths teacher, Mr Lai Chee Keen, but screwed up badly. We were supposed to pretend that we were getting pawned by the discipline mistress (some horrible lady with weird fashion sense and a tempermental behaviour) while the 'good' boy of our class was supposed to inform Chicken about it. It was a total disaster though. He simply came out of the class, turned the corner and saw a whole bunch of us dickheads standing down dere. Lol. But i guess it was fun while it lasted (like 5 mins?). Business was as usual for the whole day cause Chicken was the only one we could prank. Nth much interesting abt school today.

Anyway, the B Div Table-tennis is out (not like im in the team liddat). I onli publicise the their downfalls. Lol, im evil. But it couldnt be helped. The 'imports' were just too overpowering. My coach told me that one sneaky bastard from some other school brought a 16 year old china player over and registered him as a 13 year old. LOL, jialat. Its been quite a while since the B Div got into top 4. We didnt manage to do it this year, but next year might produce better results.

Tomorrow's Learning Journey Day. I cant remember where we are going, but I think is some kinda museum. After that, there's inter-class soccer, which i will be playing a minor role in. That's most of tomorrow's programme. Tata.

posted by _Nich0las_ @ 10:57 PM